Help Fund a Medical Clinic for the Students & Staff



Fountain of Hope Christian School students receive a Christ-centered education where world transformers are transformed. The students have a safe and secure place to live; get their daily nutritional requirements, but medical care remains one of their most significant needs. A boarding school of over 300 students requires a dedicated individual to tend specifically to the needs of the children along with available supplies, access to diagnostic and lab testing, and hospitalization when necessary. Your support for this project will help students with basic first-aid, obtain preventative care, and receive critical attention that may require hospitalization.  

To maintain a fully operational clinic with a full-time nurse and necessary supplies, the ability to send children for diagnostic and lab testing when necessary, and cover the cost of hospitalization if needed requires an annual funding of $17,400. This covers a yearly salary for the school nurse ($4200), medical supplies and medicines ($4260) and an available fund of $8,940 to cover as needed testing and hospital care.

We are hoping to fund this need for the long term through committed giving, but we know that any amount towards this project will help it to succeed.   This funding is in addition to the current student sponsorship support.

Thank you for considering this need.

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Donation By Mail: You may also donate by sending a check to:

New Life International Foundation for Children

PO BOX 1274

 Lynnfield, MA 01940 

Donation By Bank: Request from your bank to set up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account.

NLIF is currently registered with the Washington secretary's office under the charitable solicitation act.  For information, you can call 1-800-332-4483, or email  NLIF is also registered with Oregon as doing business in Oregon, the location of its current office.  You may contact Oregon’s Charitable Activities office at 971-673-1880 or

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